Friday, January 26, 2007
Theme Party's haitus ends next week with Special Guest WAIT THINK FAST! PLUS Download the most recent Episode!
Hi everyone!
Theme Party has been off and on for a bit, and we're off tonight, but we're absolutely back next week to kick off a full month of consecutive new episodes of Theme Party that will Astonish and Amaze you.
Start Next Friday, February 2 as we're joined in the studio by brilliant and beautiful dream pop demigods Wait Think Fast. We got to see them perform at Tangier recently, where they stunned a room full of above-it-all hipsters into rapt silence for over an hour. It was fairly incredible and suffice to say, we can't recommend them highly enough. In fact, stop reading this and head over to their MySpace profile to listen for yourself. We especially suggest "Bad Men". They'll perform a few songs, submit to a few questions and more.
That's right kids, be sure and mark your Calenders because on Friday, February 9th we're fortunate enough to have musical genius Chissum Worthington as our guest. Words cannot describe how insanely cool this guy is - if you took Ween and Stacked them on top of Leonard Cohen and then fed them through an MP3 player, you might, sort of, have something vaguely approaching the magic of Chissum. He'll be performing throughout the show, hanging out, answering questions and helping us out with a fun contest too!
Oh, there's more fun then all that to look forward to but we're no leaving you empty handed tonight. Yeah, we're taking the night off but we have a new episode of Theme Party ready for you to download and enjoy right now! Just click here to download and listen to your heart's content!
So we look forward to seeing you all in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions, problems downloading the show, or just want to make a request, write and let us know. We've missed you. we hope you've missed us too!
Theme Party
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
ear of the week - jazz
We're gonna put the jazz inside us this week on The Unwrinkled Ear.
a Roswell Rudd quartet from 1965
Jemeel Moondoc's Jus Grew Orchestra
William Parker's Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra
These will be offered.
May your zipper be threaded.
21:00-22:30 on Thursday California Time
And please be aware that there is a killradio benefit next Thursday evening at The Echo in Los Angeles. Bands and venues that support us help make better things possible.
Please enjoy yourself and support our anti-corporate radio station.
If you've ever huffed the dandruff off a stranger's neck to be closer to a musical performer of your liking, you're already one of us.
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