Friday, June 23, 2006
New Theme Party Tonight!
Hi everyone!
Tonight, From 9 to 11 PM PST, we're treating you to another Theme Party Mix Tape. Kiss My Fist is off at another orchestra concert and Kyle MC DC is planning his birthday, but the Eligible Ross Lincoln, with assist from his other friends, will be here to talk and hang out, and play 2 hours worth of music that is very wonderful.
To give you something to look forward to, The ERL has been obsessed with minced oaths. Expressions like "By Jingo!", "Great Jove's Mountain" and other fun ways to avoid upsetting the gentry's views on swearing. So expect many such phrases, in addition to music and other fun such things.
To listen, head over to our Myspace account and follow the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
So, that's from 9 PM to 11 PM, PST. So we'll see you tonight?
Theme Party!
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