Friday, July 07, 2006

THEME PARTY returns tonight with a KYLE MCDC SPECIAL!

THEME PARTY is back tonight and what better way to kick things off again than with a special devoted to KYLE MCDC and his recent birthday? You'll get to hear how the party went (hint: pirates, power animals, and debauchery), thrill to Kyle MCDC's latest song picks, and listen as his friends and special guests tell hilarious Kyle MCDC stories. Yee-haw! And don't worry, you'll still get all the Eligible Ross Lincoln and DJ Kiss My Fist you know and love.

To listen, 
head over to our Myspace account and follow the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
So, that's from 9 PM to 11 PM, PST. We'll see you tonight, right? 
Theme Party!

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