Friday, August 04, 2006
Theme Party Pays Tribute to Mad Geniuses!
Hi everyone,
As you've probably heard by now, Love frontman and insane genius Arthur Lee passed away from cancer yesterday. Theme Party is somewhat broken up about it, which is why tonight we're paying him tribute from 9 to 11 PM, PST, dedicating the show to Mad Geniuses!
We'll play the music of weird and insane creators whose brilliance caused them to melt down, we'll discuss artists, writers and politicians who couldn't handle the things their brain wanted to say, and we'll talk about our own Mad geniusish qualities.
To listen, head over to our Myspace account and follow the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
So, that's from 9 PM to 11 PM, PST. So we'll see you tonight? Good, now put that straight jacket down, now!
Theme Party!
PS: Be sure to check our myspace profile for regular calender updates about Theme Party shows, and events Theme Party wishes you to know about.
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