Thursday, September 07, 2006
There's no Theme Party this friday
Hi everyone,
Theme party has pressing business to attend to, so we're taking the night off. But don't worry, we're focusing our energies on next week's show, which is guaranteed to blow up like post-rehab Lindsey Lohan is guaranteed to.
In the meantime, there's no need to fear. if you're looking for something to do, head over to our Myspace account, because we've updated our calender with tons of great events put on my our close personal friends. There's plenty for you to do. Oh, and you'll also be able to keep informed about upcoming episodes of Theme Party and future themes while you're at it. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So until next week, Theme Party orders you to go out, have adventures, get some great stories, and then meet us next Friday to report. And if you throw a good party, don't forget to invite us.
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