Monday, February 05, 2007

A New Episode of Theme Party is available for download!

Hi everyone,
In case you missed it, last Friday night Theme Party were lucky enough to have Wait Think Fast  as our musical guests - they submitted to our patented drunken interview technique, demonstrated their Radio en Espanol radio voices and played three of their songs - "Band Men," "Tierra" and "This House is Holding Strong."
Fortunately, you don't have to kick yourself any longer for missing the show because we've made it available online for your listening pleasure. Just go here and download to your heart's content.
Meanwhile, some friends of Theme Party have informed us of numerous problems using the Kill Radio search engine to locate our uploaded shows. We're sorry to hear about that and we're working on a long term solution that will remove the difficulties you're having. Until that is settled, we'll do our best to always provide a direct link to the latest episode. Of course, if you have any problems at all or if you're looking for something in particular, just send us an e-mail and we'll do our best to help.
In the meantime, don't forget about other upcoming theme party related fun!
For instance, this Friday night, when musical overlord Chissum Worthington will be our musical guest. Click that link to visit his Myspace page - We also suggest that you check out his hilarious array of Music Videos, available for free on You Tube.
Also, be sure to check out our Myspace Page for updates about Theme Party and information about the doings of Theme Party's friends and past musical guests!
So, to sum up: Download, visit, and listen this Friday. We'll love you forever if you do.
Theme Party


PS: if you click here you can download the first Theme Party of 2007!

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