Saturday, September 30, 2006

There's a new episode of Theme Party available for downloading!

Hi everyone,
We know you're not always able to listen to Theme party on Friday nights, and because we understand we record every episode for later consumption. Well, fortunately for you we've finally gotten around to making such episodes available, and right now at this very second you can download and enjoy our September 22 episode, with special guests The Man band. Of particular interest is their brilliant tribute to Thai Elvis about halfway through the show.
To listen, just head over to Kill Radio , and visit the Archives. We're currently listed on the main page but you can always search the Archives for "Theme Party Radio". 
Also, we want to remind you about our myspace page. Have a look and you might notice that we continually updated our calender with tons of great events put on by Theme Party, or by our close personal friends. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So go, download the latest Theme Party and listen to your heart's content!
Theme Party

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Theme Party Mixtape FRIDAY NIGHT!

Hi guys!
Tomorrow, or if you're reading this after midnight, Tonight, Theme Party is back with all new hi-jinks and fun for you. Nothing too special, just some excellent music and conversation for 2 hours or so. Kiss my Fist is out of Town so Join Kyle MCDC and the Eligible Ross Lincoln for Theme Party Mix Tape!
We'll be playing new and old music we adore, talking about this and that, and drinking cheap wine in the process. To listen, just head over to our Myspace profile , or to Kill Radio, and click the handy listen buttons. While you're there, you can IM us via AIM - our ID is themeparty radio.
Also, while you're over at our myspace page you might notice that we've continually updated our calender with tons of great events put on my our close personal friends. There's plenty for you to do. Oh, and you'll also be able to keep informed about upcoming episodes of Theme Party and future themes while you're at it. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So we'll see you tomorrow night?
Theme Party

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Friday, September 22, 2006

REMINDER - The Man Band LIVE on Theme Party TONIGHT!

Hi everyone,
The Man Band are an LA based indie-hip hop outfit who write kick ass songs with rhymes that are doper than Charlie Parker on payday and iller than Tuberculosis. Don't believe us? Click the above link and listen for yourself. They're also going to be christening Theme Party Tonight, Friday September 22 from 9 PM to 11 PM. They'll be Djing, submitting to the patented two-fisted drunken Theme party interview technique and dropping a live performance guaranteed to make your ears turn into sex organs so they can make love to their music.
Just head over to our Myspace account , or go over to Kill Radio at 9 PM PST. We be rocking you until 11 PM, and you can even chat via AIM (themepartyradio, got it?!?)
Also, while you're over at our myspace page you might notice that we've continually updated our calender with tons of great events put on my our close personal friends. There's plenty for you to do. Oh, and you'll also be able to keep informed about upcoming episodes of Theme Party and future themes while you're at it. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So we'll see you tomorrow night?
Theme Party

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Man Band LIVE on Theme Party Tomorrow!

Hi everyone,
The Man Band are an LA based indie-hip hop outfit who write kick ass songs with rhymes that are doper than Charlie Parker on payday and iller than Tuberculosis. Don't believe us? Click the above link and listen for yourself. They're also going to be christening Theme Party Tomorrow, Friday September 22 from 9 PM to 11 PM. They'll be Djing, submitting to the patented two-fisted drunken Theme party interview technique and dropping a live performance guaranteed to make your ears turn into sex organs so they can make love to their music.
And tomorrow, just head over to our Myspace account , or go over to Kill Radio at 9 PM PST. We be rocking you until 11 PM, and you can even chat via AIM (themepartyradio, got it?!?)
Also, while you're over at our myspace page you might notice that we've continually updated our calender with tons of great events put on my our close personal friends. There's plenty for you to do. Oh, and you'll also be able to keep informed about upcoming episodes of Theme Party and future themes while you're at it. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So we'll see you tomorrow night?
Theme Party

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Friday, September 15, 2006

No Theme Party Tonight but NEXT WEEK, The Man Band is live in the Studio!

Hi everyone,
We apologize for the inconvenience, but Theme party has pressing business to attend to again this week, so we're taking the night off. But don't worry, we're focusing our energies on next week's show, When special guests The Man Band will be with us in the studio. The electro hip hop badasses will be basically making everything better. Listen for yourself and join us next week!
In the meantime, there's no need to fear. if you're looking for something to do, head over to our Myspace account, because we've updated our calender with tons of great events put on my our close personal friends. There's plenty for you to do. Oh, and you'll also be able to keep informed about upcoming episodes of Theme Party and future themes while you're at it. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So until next week, Theme Party orders you to go out, have adventures, get some great stories, and then meet us next Friday to report. And if you throw a good party, don't forget to invite us.
Theme Party

I was googling "Ernie Kovacs" and, by accident, came across your little site here. Nice job! We're definately on the same page - no question about it! Please, when you get a chance, have a look at my political blog!
All the best,
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY  

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

gusted! I mean guested

Well tonite on The Unwrinkled Ear
we'll be recreating the musky smell of water from an outdoor hose

The other good news is that hoayanofamerica will be joining us live
and bringing his fish in a bun analog synth pal
to play

9:00-10:30pm HOllywood time on

I've chosen some songs w/ both the hose and hoayan spirits in mind:
David Ruffin
John Butcher/ Christof Kurzmann
and som'g from Thin Lizzy's 'Renegade' album

carpet pet linoleum

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

There's no Theme Party this friday

Hi everyone,
Theme party has pressing business to attend to, so we're taking the night off. But don't worry, we're focusing our energies on next week's show, which is guaranteed to blow up like post-rehab Lindsey Lohan is guaranteed to.
In the meantime, there's no need to fear. if you're looking for something to do, head over to our Myspace account, because we've updated our calender with tons of great events put on my our close personal friends. There's plenty for you to do. Oh, and you'll also be able to keep informed about upcoming episodes of Theme Party and future themes while you're at it. It's really quite wonderful. For you.
So until next week, Theme Party orders you to go out, have adventures, get some great stories, and then meet us next Friday to report. And if you throw a good party, don't forget to invite us.

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can you unwrinkle a clam

Back from a quick hiatus, the Unwrinkled Ear goes back on from 9:00-10:30pm Los Angeles time Thursday night with the express intention of tending.
Not tending toward clover
But records found in a semi-rural Maine "old book shop" will be broadcast.
Here's what's in my sights to listen to this evening:
Valerie Simpson's "Genius II" (maybe even "Genius I" if I think we can shoulder it)
Joe Steen
Florian Hecker
John Paul Jones' "Silver Train" from the Scream for Help sdtrk
By the time Lassie hears this call (or subphisticates unite)
the spatial distance b/t picking fruit all your life and planting a tree
will be deemed "the last great investment opportunity"

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Lost In Paradise



Tune into howling, toe tapping and heart pumping exotic sounds of paradise, every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00 AM PST at You'll escape monotony and experience original 45's of black rockers and vocal groups, R & B, R & R, white sounds, girl groups, beatnik, frat, 60's garage, screaming wildmen, surf, swamp pop, hot rod vocals, rockabilly, country boppers, flipped rockers, tough chicks, killer instrumentals and much more!

Angel Baby only spins the platters that matter!

You can listen anytime by checking out the many LOST IN PARADISE archived and uploaded shows to the homepage.

So, if you wanna be LOST IN PARADISE then tune in and get lost in the grooves with, yours truly, Angel Baby every Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:00 AM PST as well as dipping into her archived shows at

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Friday, September 01, 2006

johny radio's FCC testimony


on 8/31/06, the FCC conducted a town meeting, to collect community opinions about media consolidation. more info:

the panel included FCC commissioners Copps and Adelstein, congresswoman Solis, reps from media conglomerates such as disney and abc, reps from a variety of other media organizations, and others.

the 'public' in attendance included folk from local indie radio stations kpfk, kxlu, hollywood movie- and tv-producers, media watchdog groups, women's groups, latino groups, and others.

here's a two-minute audio clip of my testimony to the panel:

Revised Transcript, which i'll submit in writing to the FCC:

"My broadcast name is johny radio. I work with an anti-corporate internet radio station called KillRadio means 'Kill Corporate Radio'. It was formed about six years ago during protests at the DNC, because the Democrats are too right-wing.

These opinions are my own, and do not necessarily represent the views of

The internet has created a wonderful new opportunity for underserved voices to reach niche audiences. I'm asking the FCC to protect and create low barriers of entry into mass media for these voices:

--Preserve internet neutrality, and prevent media conglomerates from controlling access to internet content.

More Info

Take Action
Save The Internet
Save The Internet2
Save The Internet3
Save The Internet4

--There are now on the market at least two new portable WiFi radio devices which enable people to listen to internet radio, wirelessly, while walking down the street.

Therefor, in order to promote that technology as an opportunity for alternate voices to reach larger audiences, prevent telecommunication corporations from blocking the creation of free, public WiFi and WiMax hotspots in urban and rural areas. And, fund the creation of more public hotspots.

--The USA is stuck with an obsolete 100 years old radio technology. Old fashioned radio restricts the number of stations in a region. Promote the development of modern radio technologies, enabling hundreds or even thousands of simultaneous broadcasters in the same region, as described by Internet architect David Reed:

--Fund and enable non-profit and public-domain media channels without political interference, vis-à-vis the British BBC model. Eliminate right-wing infiltration of Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

More Info

Take Action
Save Save NPR and PBS

--Preserve low-power FM licensing (LPFM) for community FM broadcasters, and ensure that corporate lobbyists will never again be able to override your own technical data and suppress community broadcasting.

--Stop busting pirate broadcasters on technically falsified claims of interference with commercial broadcasters and airports.

Some of today's participants have complained about crass sexual content in the media. One wonders why they don't simply change the channel, until one realizes there are too few channels out there which don't use sexual titilation to capture viewership and advertising dollars. If the FCC promotes more small and non-profit media outlets, then those viewers will have more alternatives to switch to.

However, adult Americans must be assured access to adult-oriented programming if they want it. And I don't mean pornography: censorship on the basis of sexual content has been used in past to suppress political, artistic, and educational content:

--Keep censorship away from pay channels.

--Respect parents' decisions about their children's viewing options.

--Preserve uncensored late-night rules for non-pay channels.

The sensational 'news' which dominates corporate news channels, such as Janet Jackson's breast, Jon Benet, and sexual-predator hysteria, was fostered, in part, by another sensational ploy-- Republican attacks on Bill Clinton's sex life.

--Stop participating in this phony, politically-motivated moral panic with excessive "indecency" citations.

These are just distractions from far-reaching local, domestic, and international issues affecting millions of Americans in their daily lives, like schools in crisis, corporate corruption, government ineptitude, and environmental degradation. On-going problems are ignored in favor of fleeting news-bites. Real analysis has been replaced with shouting matches.

--reinstate the FCC Fairness Doctrine, dissolved by the Reagan administration, and vote it into law.

--expand the Fairness Doctrine:

* require reporting of underreported news stories, as documented by the UN, Doctors Without Borders, and other sources.

* require that analysts from differing perspectives be given ample time to explain their views, without interruption.
* require "civility" --shouting matches and personal attacks should be discouraged.

Take Action
Reform The Media

Thank you for listening."

also present at the hearings were reps and parents from local, primarily hispanic school, Academia Semillas del Pueblo, which was recently criticized on-air by local Disney-owned KABC 790 AM radio station. Subsequent to the broadcast, the school began receiving bomb-threats and harrassment. i'll be interviewing a rep from the school on my show in the near future.

kpcc audio about the situation:

i can be contacted at:

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Johny, Thanks for taking the time not only to testify, but to provide the public with a record of the procedings. Information is power, but alas, fewer and larger entities are gaining ownership over all modes of information dissemination, including the Internet...I hope that We The People can retain some say in how these resources are to be allocated....Best, Veronique Chevalier  

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Help THEME PARTY celebrate the BEST OF EVERYTHING tonight!

In honor of the Emmys and VMAs this week, Theme Party thought it time to put out its own awards show! Only, screw those boring categories, we're making up our own. From "Sexiest European Film Star Ever" to "Best Unreleased Album" to "Best-Dressed Theme Party Guest," we're giving out a lot of "Themies" tonight! And you can help...

Just reply to this email and suggest a category to us! We don't care WHAT it is, we'll think of some nominees and announce a winner. Or,
while you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!

To listen, 
head over to our Myspace account and following the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to our official site or Kill Radio and click the Listen button. 
See you tonight? Good! Don't forget to send us some Best Of categories!
Theme Party

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Listen to Theme Party Tonight!

Sorry for the late e-mail everyone. But don't worry, Theme party is all new tonight from 9 PM to 11 PM PST. To listen, head over to our Myspace account and following the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to our official site or Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
See you tonight? Good! Don't forget to take notes!
Theme Party

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