Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sunset Junction photos!
Attention! All who attended Sunset Junction (and all those who did not, but wanna see what they missed)!
I've posted photos-o-plenty at KillRadio's Fotki site. If you participated in or partook of KillRadio's campaign to protect citizens from being spied on by the National Security Agency, you might just find your incognito self at the link below. (Don't worry, the NSA has their parental block software configured to avoid anything to do with KillRadio, because we use dirty words. I'm sure they'll never see these photos...)
Dig 'em.
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I've posted photos-o-plenty at KillRadio's Fotki site. If you participated in or partook of KillRadio's campaign to protect citizens from being spied on by the National Security Agency, you might just find your incognito self at the link below. (Don't worry, the NSA has their parental block software configured to avoid anything to do with KillRadio, because we use dirty words. I'm sure they'll never see these photos...)
Dig 'em.
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if meat is murder, what is swap meet?
these and other similarly engaging questions will be ignored tonight in the frustrated hope that the rev. mo will be allowed to dispense some soothing, old fashioned sonic remedies to the tired masses.
dry, homespun humour just will not be tolerated on the 'rumble city inspector show' this thursday, august 31st from 7 to 9 on the western side of the great time divide (goddamn those farmers!), home of all that is anti-heartland
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dry, homespun humour just will not be tolerated on the 'rumble city inspector show' this thursday, august 31st from 7 to 9 on the western side of the great time divide (goddamn those farmers!), home of all that is anti-heartland
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Friday, August 25, 2006
Theme Party Literary Supplement Tonight!
Tired of pretentious Newspaper Literary Supplements with stories about the time the author lost his or her virginity, fiction set during the French Revolution, only in the most boring possible way, or an inspiring yet hilarious story about a working girl who meets a cute boy and realizes how much her boss sucks? Wouldn't you rather hang out instead with self important radio hosts?
We thought so. So why not get started tonight, from 9 PM to 11 PM PST by subscribing to the Theme Party Literary Supplement!
Tonight, Kyle MCDC, Dj Kiss My Fist, the Eligible Ross Lincoln and Advanced D&Dj have accepted the Theme party Short Story Challenge. They've all agreed to write two pages of fiction, with certain rules affixed, and to read the results tonight on Theme party for your amusement!
Find out why readin' IS fundamental when:
Will KMF write another story set during the Roman Republic?
Will Kyle MCDC somehow incorporate his encyclopedic knowledge of celebrity culture?
And what about Advanced D&Dj? Might he end up putting his namesake into the story?
You'll have to tune in tonight to find out. But that's not all! We'll also be playing a ton of wonderful music for your additional enjoyment! To listen, head over to our Myspace account and following the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to our official site or Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
See you tonight? Good! Don't forget to take notes!
Theme Party
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Thursday, August 24, 2006
bride or gun?
Q: Gun Show or Bride Expo?
A: Radio
Wide focus is required tonite as The Unwrinkled Ear puts the spotlight
on a new 3 CD cpmoliatrion cumpalotron compilation -
Nothing but females who experiment s=wut sound with sound
Definitely going to dig down into tracls tracks by:
Jessica Rylan
Michiko Kawagoe 9:00-10:30pm LA time
Cheryl E. Leonard
CJ Reaven Borosque
Fari Bradley
Yes to cartridges!
Definitely will be listening in tonite- this is great. So happy to hear you're enjoying the comp.
Best wishes,
ninah px.e / ubuibi
I missed this, will it be up again anywhere? Thanks for the play anyhow.
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Friday, August 18, 2006
Faux For Real is LIVE on Theme Party TONIGHT!
People, we mean this as nicely as possible, but you really look like your pants aren't being rocked the hell off enough.
Look, We're just saying that what you need is to have your pants rocked the hell off. And tonight, Theme party Radio is going to make that happen because from 9 PM to 11 PM PST, we've got Faux For Real live in the Studio.
Who are Faux For Real? Imagine if JJ Fad and Bruno had 3 babies and they formed a band. Go. Now. Check out their Myspace page and listen for yourself. We guarantee you they're going to blow up like Brando in the 70s. In a good way.
They'll be submitting the awesome might of Theme Party for all two hours, answering questions, guest Djing and performing 3 or 4 songs for your amusement. If you miss this, you will probably need years of therapy, so do yourself a favor and don't.
To listen, head over to our Myspace account and follow the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
So, that's from 9 PM to 11 PM, PST. So we'll see you tonight?
Theme Party!
PS: Be sure to check our myspace profile for regular calender updates about Theme Party shows, and events Theme Party wishes you to know about.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Punctured Fabric Radio
The clinical vs.ephemeral backlash can wait no more: the 7" dig is on tonite 9:00-10:30pm California time
The Unwrinkled Ear will play lots of 7"s
some will be by:
Keith Rowe
God is My Co-Pilot
Schwermut Forest
might even get into that Pigbag 45 vs. 33 choice vs. debate vs. mood determiner
(A determinator sounds like a good adjective for something powerfully pinpointing,
but to hear the true sense of this depends on a freedom from,
even a non-recognizance of,
the schwarznegger burden)
It's as satisfying as crab with black bean sauce, but I do all the handislimework
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Theme Party, Tonight? That's POPPYCOCK!
Can you believe the things people, uh, believe?
Flat earth? Faked moon landing? Religion? Black helicopters? Pyramid Schemes? The artistic merit of the second Star Wars trilogy? Let's face it, people can believe some downright nonsensical nonsense despite all evidence to the contrary. Which is fine by us because we find the whole thing infinitely entertaining.
That's why tonight, we're paying tribute to hoaxes, fabulisms, lies, faked goings-on, bullpuckey, nonsenses, obfuscations, balderdash and good old-fashioned Gullibility in the face of "evidence" and "facts". From 9 PM to 11 PM PST, it's Theme Party: POPPYCOCK!
* Incredulize yourself at Kiss My Fist's frustration with a friend who insists that Stevie Wonder isn't really blind!
* Allow yourself to be taken in by the fantasticisms Kyle MCDC has peddled.
*Overestimate Ross' intelligence with your surprise at how his friend's convinced him that the Magic kingdom was a bit more magical than real life.
To listen, head over to our Myspace account and follow the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
So, that's from 9 PM to 11 PM, PST. So we'll see you tonight? Good, trust us when we say the moon landing really did happen.
Theme Party!
PS: Be sure to check our myspace profile for regular calender updates about Theme Party shows, and events Theme Party wishes you to know about.
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Friday, August 04, 2006
Theme Party Pays Tribute to Mad Geniuses!
Hi everyone,
As you've probably heard by now, Love frontman and insane genius Arthur Lee passed away from cancer yesterday. Theme Party is somewhat broken up about it, which is why tonight we're paying him tribute from 9 to 11 PM, PST, dedicating the show to Mad Geniuses!
We'll play the music of weird and insane creators whose brilliance caused them to melt down, we'll discuss artists, writers and politicians who couldn't handle the things their brain wanted to say, and we'll talk about our own Mad geniusish qualities.
To listen, head over to our Myspace account and follow the handy links, OR, just get yourself over to Kill Radio and click the Listen button. While you're listening, instant message us using our AOL ID, Themepartyradio!
So, that's from 9 PM to 11 PM, PST. So we'll see you tonight? Good, now put that straight jacket down, now!
Theme Party!
PS: Be sure to check our myspace profile for regular calender updates about Theme Party shows, and events Theme Party wishes you to know about.
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Thursday, August 03, 2006
FM Undertow
Mating for resemblance produces carressable radio, nocturnal pets
Let's dip into that Elliot Schwartz duet w/ Marion Brown from 1973 (the ARP part) tonite
9:00-10:30pm Calif. time Thursday
+_log_ the_most_recent_norbert_moslang_burst_i_can_find_
The Unwrinkled Ear beon
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